Most of you have probably read about the transformation my wife and I accomplished in this previous article. Here, I will outline how I stay lean year-round, detailing my training, diet, and supplementation.
My job requires a lot of traveling--at least a week out of the month, maybe more. This makes it difficult to stay on any diet, yet with the diet techniques I have learned from SciVation Director of R&D Chuck Rudolph, I can make due with what I have. Here are some rules for staying lean year-round and maintaining a physique that is always 6 weeks out from being dialed-in.
Eat Often
Every time you stuff food down your gullet, your metabolism increases. You will never catch me off guard without Substance WPI and a shaker bottle, a packet of tuna, or both. This allows me to control my hunger and cravings. Alongside that benefit, I am VERY insulin-sensitive, so if I don't eat something every 1-3 hours, I crash bad.
This leads to violent mood swings akin to the worst PMS you have ever witnessed! Here are some benefits to eating frequently and always keeping food nearby:
-You won't be waiting for your next meal for too long, making it easier to lay off the Pringles.
-Helps to keep blood sugar from going up and down and fluctuating, preventing unnecessary dog-kicking.
-Opportunity to eat a variety of foods.
It is my belief that some people would be a lot nicer if they would adjust their eating patterns to include more frequent feedings. For example, if my wife doesn't eat at least every 3 hours, she turns into the meanest person you'll ever meet!
It also gives you a chance to vary your food choices. Having a Chocolate Malt Substance WPI between solid food meals can help stave off that sweet tooth that has ruined many diets in the past.
Protein Is King
It's been preached ad nauseum, so I'll just spit it out quick: get at least one gram of protein per pound of bodyweight per day. It doesn't matter as much what kind, just make sure you get enough.
Eat Your Vegetables
I used to be known for my ability to consume copious amounts of broccoli topped with mustard and Splenda. I am not recommending this, but I do recommend eating vegetables.
For example, with meal #1 have a grapefruit, and with meal #2 have vegetables. Not only will this help to fill you up with less calories, but it will also give you the vitamins and nutrients your body needs for overall health and to support muscle growth.
I'm Phat Like Dat
Any true gangsta with abs knows that fat is where it's at. We at SciVation/Primaforce advocate the use of good fats. The following are a must:
1)Fish Oil - 6 grams per day
Here are some other fats we recommend:
2)Flax Seed Oil
3)Enova (DAG) Oil
4)Nuts (walnuts, almonds, cashews, etc.) or nut butter such as Almond Butter
5)Peanuts or 100% Natural Peanut Butter
Personally, I don't ever really see a need to drink oil unless you are a hardgainer. You can get adequate fat by eating the right amount of the right kinds of food. My favorite is Almond Butter spread over a chicken breast! (Don't knock it until you try it!)
Who's Afraid Of The Big Bad Carb?
The buzzword for the last few years, Dr. Atkins had fat women across the country avoiding carbs like Michael Jackson should be avoiding little.
When dieting, my carbohydrate intake is low. This is where glutamine and EFA's come in handy. When in this "low carb" phase, my healthy fats (see above) are high and I am also taking 60 grams of glutamine per day.
The Glutamine and EFA's keep me from getting foggy in this time of stress and dieting.
The Anabolic Window
Post workout, time for some growth! Here you should pack in some carbs and protein and make sure you supply your body with what it needs to recover and perform.
Team SciVation recommends the following Total Workout StackTM for a dieting bodybuilder prior to weight training (dosages vary based on weight, training frequency and other factors):
-PrimaForce Glutaform
-PrimaForce Creaform
-PrimaForce Durablast
-PrimaForce Nitrocharge
-SciVation Xtend
-Substance WPI - mixed with Xtend - drink 1/3 before, sip on 1/3 during, and finish the last 1/3 post.
-SciVation Neurostim + C Capsules
Immediately Post workout:
-3 capsules SciVation NOxidant
Team SciVation also recommends the following supplements prior to a cardio session (30-45 minutes, low intensity [40%-50% VO2max]):
-PrimaForce Glutaform
-PrimaForce Durablast
-SciVation Xtend
-Substance WPI - mixed with Xtend - drink 1/3 before, sip on 1/3 during cardio and finish the last 1/3 after cardio.
-PrimaForce Yohimbine HCl
Due to my high insulin-sensitivity, I like to spike my insulin post workout. I utilize a 2:1 or even a 3:1 ratio of carbs to protein. Here are some options:
1)40-75 grams of dextrose (varies by bodyweight) with 1 scoop Substance WPI.
2)2:1 carb to protein ratio shake (such as Relentless by Xtreme Formulations): 1 Serving per instructions.
Mix up the Xtend and Substance and drink pre, during, and post workout. Be sure to have your post-workout shake immediately after training.
If you are traveling (which I do a lot) and do not have access to fast acting carbs like dextrose, a nice carb/protein meal will suffice. In fact, if you are craving a big bowl of Cap'n Crunch, post workout is the time when it will do the least amount of damage.
Carb Loads!
When used as a lifestyle and not a regimented diet, refeeds will not be scheduled. By sticking to a sound diet, you should keep your metabolism revving and the fat off.
What Is Refeeding?Refeeding is consuming more carb calories than you would normally during dieting. When dieting, leptin levels drop, causing the metabolism to slow down, appetite to increase, and weight loss to hit a plateau. Ironically, refeeding periodically (eating more carbs than you "should") brings leptin levels back up, enabling weight loss to resume.However, what do you do if you go out to an all-you-can-eat pasta joint with your mommy? Well, I'm a glutton, and I'm going to eat until I start speaking Italian. If you eat 7 meals a day, 7 days a week, that is equal to 49 total meals.
You can easily afford to make 3 meals out of those 49 meals "cheat meals" without effecting progress. In fact, it may even help you. Cheat meals are allowed, but very sparingly.
When dieting for a show or photo shoot, which I do occasionally, I use a scheduled carb-load designed by SciVation Director of Research and Development, Chuck Rudolph. Here is what Chuck says about the subject:
"I like to refeed with starchy carbs (nutrient dense) and good fats with NO protein
This all depends on the body type of the individual, but I would say
85-90% of my clients see great results with this tactic.
My reason for this is to get the body in a fat burning state
but not allow it to think it's 'starving'."
One problem I have with the LOW CARB phase is that a person's metabolic rate (especially thyroid) functions off of calories and carbohydrates. If you cut out carbs all they way, the body begins to sense a state of "starvation". This will slow down the metabolic rate as well as thyroid production and you then hit the wall (a sticking point).
What I like to do is incorporate good carbs with good fats because it slows down digestion and supports healthy insulin output so there is optimal metabolism along with healthy calories and protein to preserve muscle tissue. Let's face it, muscle preservation is the key to fat burning.
If I have a person that begins at 185 lbs and is 19-20% body fat and after 12-16 weeks is 165 and 15% body fat, then I am not too happy with the results. On the other hand, if that same person is 180 at the end of 12-16 weeks and is 10-11% body fat, then they have succeeded.
Putting the Plan Together
These concepts are great, but how can we apply them to real life? Here is a typical day for me in the office while dieting:
"Cardio In The Evening" Day, Schedule
Time: 4:30 a.m.
Activity: Wake up and consume:
-PrimaForce Glutaform
-PrimaForce Creaform
-PrimaForce Durablast
-PrimaForce Nitrocharge
-SciVation Xtend
-Substance WPI - mixed with Xtend - drink 1/3 before, sip on 1/3
during, and finish the last 1/3 post.
-SciVation Neurostim + C Capsules
Time: 4:40 a.m.-5:15 a.m.
Activity: Check Email, Sip Xtend/Substance cocktail
Time:5:30 a.m.-7:00 a.m
Activity: Train
Time: 7:00 a.m.
Activity: Dextrose and Substance
Time: 8:00 a.m.
Activity: Breakfast:
-Chicken Breast
-Almond Butter
-1 Whole Egg
-Grapefruit Activity: Supplements:
-SciVation Sesamin
-PrimaForce Max CLA
-Fish Oil
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Activity: Lean
Protein,Vegetables,Healthy Fat
Time: 4:00 p.m..
Activity: Lunch:
-Lean Protein
-Healthy Fat
-15 grams Glutaform
Time: 5:30 p.m..
Activity: Cardio (30-45 minutes of cardio [40-50% VO2max])
-PrimaForce Glutaform
-PrimaForce Durablast
-SciVation Xtend
-Substance WPI - mixed with Xtend - drink 1/3 before, sip on 1/3
during cardio and finish the last 1/3 after cardio.
-PrimaForce Yohimbine HCl
Time: 6:45 p.m.
Activity: Lean Protein, Healthy Fat, 15 grams Glutaform
Time: 9:00 p.m.
Activity: Dinner:
-Lean Protein
-Healthy Fat
-GrapefruitActivity: Supplements:
-SciVation Sesamin
-PrimaForce Max CLA
-Fish Oil
If I am traveling, I usually let loose a bit on the diet, but I am sure to consume adequate protein and vegetables at every meal.
There is never a good time to be fat. There is nothing like being able to strip down and pose in the bathroom mirror with your wife yelling at you about your mental issues.
With this lifestyle approach, you will never be "off-season" and there will never be a bad time to go to the beach and look like a stud! This lifestyle approach can vary as much as you'd like it to.
The key is to adhere to the plan, try to stick to whole, natural food sources and stop looking for shortcuts.
Q & A
[ Q ] I would love to see your specific macro numbers. Could you share with us a little insight on the numbers you take in a day? And what you recommend for anyone that is going to follow your "Rules to Living Lean"?
[A]: My macros when in my emaciated, wannabe model stage were ridiculously low. If not for my decent genetics, I would have looked like a Backstreet Boy on crack.
I was taking in 1,500-2,000 calories per day and hating life. I would think about food all the time. You know you have a problem when you fantasize about food during sex! I now know the best way to diet for me, thanks to Chuck.
My diet is usually pretty strict. I eat around 330 grams of protein, 80 grams of carbs and 90 grams of fat for a total of about 2,500 calories per day. Every 3rd day I have one of Chuck's famous carb and fat meals that helps tremendously.
I sometimes replace this meal with a meal out with my wife when not getting ready for anything. She's pregnant and she has her cravings! I recommend the following:
-Don't starve yourself.
-Allow wiggle room to ENJOY food.
-Don't stress too much about dieting.
-NEVER, EVER neglect fats in your diet!
[ Q ] That's a fantastic plan that you designed for everyone. Would any of the diet change, besides the supplements, if you were to do cardio in the morning?
[A]: Not at all, just moved around a bit. The plan could look like this:
Time: 4:30 a.m.
Activity: Wake up and consume pre-cardio (30-45 minutes of cardio [40-50% VO2max]):
-PrimaForce Glutaform
-PrimaForce Durablast
-SciVation Xtend
-Substance WPI - mixed with Xtend - drink 1/3 before, sip on 1/3 during cardio and finish the last 1/3 after cardio.
-PrimaForce Yohimbine HCl
Time: 4:40 a.m.-5:15 a.m.
Activity: Check Email, Sip Xtend/Substance cocktail
Time: 5:30 a.m.-7:00 a.m.
Activity: Cardio
Time: 7:00 a.m.
Activity: Finish Xtend/Substance cocktail
Time: 8:00 a.m.
Activity: Breakfast:
-Chicken Breast
-Almond Butter
-1 Whole Egg
Activity: Supplements:
-SciVation Sesamin
-PrimaForce Max CLA
-Fish Oil
Time: 4:30 a.m.
Activity: Wake up and consume pre-cardio (30-45 minutes of cardio [40-50% VO2max]):
-PrimaForce Glutaform
-PrimaForce Durablast
-SciVation Xtend
-Substance WPI - mixed with Xtend - drink 1/3 before, sip on 1/3 during cardio and finish the last 1/3 after cardio.
-PrimaForce Yohimbine HCl
Time: 4:40 a.m.-5:15 a.m.
Activity: Check Email, Sip Xtend/Substance cocktail
Time: 5:30 a.m.-7:00 a.m.
Activity: Cardio
Time: 7:00 a.m.
Activity: Finish Xtend/Substance cocktail
Time: 8:00 a.m.
Activity: Breakfast:
-Chicken Breast
-Almond Butter
-1 Whole Egg
Activity: Supplements:
-SciVation Sesamin
-PrimaForce Max CLA
-Fish Oil
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Activity: Lean ProteinVegetablesHealthy Fat
Time: 1:00 p.m.
Activity: Lunch:
-Lean Protein
-Healthy Fat
-15 grams Glutaform
Time: 4:00 p.m.
Activity: Lean Protein, Vegetables, Healthy Fat
Time: 5:30 p.m.
Activity: Weight Training:
-PrimaForce Glutaform
-PrimaForce Creaform
-PrimaForce Durablast
-PrimaForce Nitrocharge
-SciVation Xtend
-Substance WPI - mixed with Xtend - drink 1/3 before, sip on 1/3 during, and finish the last 1/3 post.
-SciVation Neurostim + C Capsules
Time: 6:45 p.m.
Activity: Lean Protein, Healthy Fat, 15 grams Glutaform
Time: 9:00 p.m.
Activity: Dinner:
-Lean Protein
-Healthy Fat
Activity: Supplements:
-SciVation Sesamin
-PrimaForce Max CLA
-Fish Oil
[ Q ] I'm a huge fan of your Chocolate Malt flavored Substance WPI. You mentioned that you use that as a way to "stave off that sweet tooth". When you allow yourself to have a real dessert like cheesecake, do you usually indulge at night or do you choose to have that earlier in the day?
[A]: As you witnessed when we went to P.F. Chang's in Santa Monica a couple months ago, I can eat! A life without cookies and pie is a life not worth living.
Cheat happens, and when I choose to indulge in the chocolatey goodness of a fudge brownie sundae, I don't time it. Life is too short to not indulge once in a while. With that said, Chocolate Malt Substance WPI has helped a lot. You're the one who gave me the tip to mix peanut butter in it - YUMMY!
[ Q ] Besides Almond Butter, what are some of your other favorite healthy fats?
[A]: Peanut butter is great, but I seem to have a mild allergy to it. I like eating nuts of all kinds (dry roasted in NO oil). We prefer the following fats:
-Olive Oil
-Flax Seed Oil
-Enova (DAG) Oil
-Fish Oil (EPA/DHA)
-Nuts (walnuts, almonds, cashews, etc.)
-Peanuts or 100% Natural Peanut Butter
-Whole Eggs
[ Q ] When you mean that your carb intake is low. Is it only fibrous carbs or do you allow yourself some starchy carbs during the day?
[A]: I eat my grapefruit and have my carb + fat meal every 3rd day, but unless "cheat happens," I tend to avoid most carbohydrates other than vegetables. This has been a blessing to me and my high intake of EFA's such as Almond Butter has allowed me to do this and still maintain my state of mind.
Layne Norton & Isabel Lago, Katie & Marc Lobiner
& Derek Charlebois At The Primaforce Booth.
In fact, if you look at the pictures of Quincy Taylor from the Europa Super Show, he is one of the happiest looking guys on stage. One reason for this is his high intake of Almond Butter pre-contest. It could also be that he represents two awesome supplement companies.[ Q ] I see that you are an advocate of the "High GI" carb PWO (dextrose). What are some other carb sources you like to eat/drink for PWO, if you don't have any dextrose available?
[A]: When no dextrose is available, I usually just stick to my Xtend/Substance cocktail. However, one may substitute yummy things if desired such as a high-GI cereal mixed in vanilla bean Substance WPI (instead of milk) or some other fast carb.
High-GI carbs work well for me due to my insulin sensitivity, but some may prefer other methods of post-workout replenishment.What Do 'GI' And 'PWO' Stand For? GI is an acronym for 'Glycemic Index'. PWO refers to a 'Post Workout' shake.
[ Q ] I constantly tell people to adjust their eating patterns to include more frequent feedings, as you do also. When just starting out, some people might not be hungry at certain times of the day. What do you tell people to do when they are not hungry and can't eat every 2-3 hours?
[A]: To get results, you must adjust. By eating smaller, more frequent meals, you will adapt to it and start to crave food every 2-3 hours. It's all about resetting the clock. We have been trained to eat 3 squares per day since we were children and that is one heck of an ingrained habit.
Regardless of what some studies might say, I believe there is a big difference between frequent feedings. Calories in versus calories out may be the only factor when you're 200 pounds overweight but when trying to reach that magical sub-10% mark while maintaining lean muscle, frequent feedings with proper macronutrient ratios are a must!
[ Q ] I know some people believe that if you take in protein and EFA's before cardio that you are just burning what you just drank, opposed to your body fat. What do you tell people when they ask you why you take in these supplements before/during your workouts?
[A]: Dieting is all about preserving muscle. To quote Chuck again,
"Let's face it, muscle preservation is the key to fat burning. If I have a
"On the other hand, if that same person is 180 at the end of 12-16 weeks
Cardio is more than just calorie burning, it helps deliver nutrients to your muscles!
[ Q ] I noticed you don't list creatine as one of your supplements when dieting. How does creatine affect fat burning? Is it best to stay away from creatine while trying to burn fat?
[A]: I take creatine as a staple, but did not list it as a must-have supplement. Creatine will not hinder fat loss.
[ Q ] What type of resistance training routine do you follow?
[A]: I currently do a standard bodybuilding routine that looks like this:
Day 1: Quads
Day 2: Chest
Day 3: Back
Day 4: Hamstrings and Glutes
Day 5: Shoulder and Traps
Day 6: Arms
Day 7: Off
Everyday: Hyperextensions, Calves and Abs.
I switch this up constantly, sometime even doing full body training. My rep ranges are between 12 and 15 reps.
[ Q ] When you are dieting down, how often do you weigh yourself?
[A]: I make it a point to weight myself the day before my carb meal once per week, but never hesitate to weigh myself whenever I feel like it. I always weigh myself upon waking, naked, after I have tinkled.
[ Q ] Do you have any goals in your future? Besides being an admirable husband, father, and business owner?
[A]: Those three goals pretty much hit the nail on the head. However, I really want to help save the sport nutrition industry from all the external forces around it including the regulation of what we can purchase.
I am a firm believer in the freedom of choice and personal responsibility and if someone decides that they would like to consume a supplement, it should be up to them, not some government official or special interest group. As an industry, it is time for us to band together and put our egos aside and put up a fight.

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